...one can only grow the fruit based on the types of seed they sow.The Hebrew word for “give” is a palindrome, which means it is spelled and pronounced the same forward and backwards. Such a word represents what we would call a continuum. In this case it is clear that giving and receiving are actions that cannot be separated. For example, the person who gives unconditional love is always able to receive unconditional love. It is the law of sowing and reaping: one can only grow the fruit based on the types of seed they sow. In other words, anything we want to be able to receive and experience is something we must give away. The giver knows he or she is not manipulating others into giving back; they do, however, know that through their giving they open their heart to receive when others give to them. JOIN ME this week and begin to shape your heart for exactly what you want to experience from God and people.