...we are always creating a world around us that is a mirror of what we believe in our heart about ourselves.We are created in the likeness and image of God; therefore, God is our model for how to operate faith. When God created the world the Hebrew language tells us He first conceived what He intended to create, in His heart.

Among other things, the heart is the seat of our identity. What we create is intimately linked to who we are. The words God spoke had power because they came from a heart of faith. Faith is always easy when we believe that which is consistent with our sense of identity. In fact, whether intentionally or accidentally, we are always creating a world around us that is a mirror of what we believe in our heart about ourselves.

The priority in winning the right battle is putting on the “new man” in Christ. Become before attempting to create! You can always effortlessly create an environment in your own likeness and image. JOIN ME this week and discover more about creating the world, i.e., environment that can produce the fulfillment of your dreams.