The wise man considers the outcome of his actions; the foolish man convinces himself he will find the pleasure he seeks by taking his action.The wise man considers the outcome of his actions; the foolish man convinces himself he will find the pleasure he seeks by taking his action. But the Bible says he is like a bird that sees the trap before him but still goes ahead with his plan and is captured. There is a monkey in Africa that is snared by simply putting bananas inside a trap with wooden bars. The monkey slides his hands through the bars and grabs the banana. When the hunters emerge out of the forest, the monkey will not drop the banana and slip his hand free to escape. His desire for the sweet fruit drives him to hold the banana while the hunters simply hit him in the head with a stick and kill him. That’s the way we are when we convince ourselves that we can walk the path of death and not suffer the consequences. We are not considering the outcome of our choices. Don’t be the greedy monkey and get beaten to death by life. JOIN ME this week and discover God’s wisdom for making choices that always lead to life, peace and intimate connection to Him!