Faith believes that God is the Rewarder, that He is good and only good and that all He does is motivated by love.One of the greatest destructive doctrinal errors is based on the cult teaching that God wants us to suffer; He sends hardship to teach us and He is the source of our suffering. This has possibly turned more people away from God than any other single doctrine.

The one time God provided man with a world as He desired it to be was the Garden of Eden. The most basic meaning for the Hebrew word for Eden is “pleasure.” That’s why Paul said, the living God … gives us richly all things to enjoy, 1 Timothy 6:17. The expanded understanding for Eden refers to God’s abiding presence along with spiritual insight, i.e. the capacity to clearly perceive God and His wisdom; a portal to God’s truth, which binds us to Him, all of which is ours as we humble ourselves and trust God. There was no pain, no suffering, and no sickness because none of that was God’s will for man.

That quality of life is still God’s desire for us, that’s why Jesus said He came to give us life abundantly, which refers to the greatest portion of the quality of life God Himself possesses. Faith believes that God is the Rewarder, that He is good and only good and that all He does is motivated by love.  JOIN ME this week and move past religious ideology that makes God appear to be harsh, cruel and hard to trust!