Jesus’ life, teaching, ministry, death, burial and resurrection can be my only basis for understanding the true character, nature and intentions of God. Sadly, this statement sparked entire denominations to miss the point of it which meant they missed the point of Jesus coming in the flesh. Some people ignorantly use this to explain away the Trinity.

To understand this verse we must read Hebrews 1:3 which tells us Jesus was the exact representation of the Father. In order to manifest the glory of God He had to do everything exactly as the Father would if He were here. He had to teach everything from the exact purpose and intention of the Father when He originally spoke His Word. This is what Jesus meant when He said, “If you’ve seen Me you’ve seen the Father.”

Through Him we can know God, know who He is, know His character and properly interpret everything He ever said and did. This means that Jesus’ life, teaching, ministry, death, burial and resurrection can be my only basis for understanding the true character, nature and intentions of God. If I reject any aspect of Jesus, His teaching, His model and His covenant I am rejecting the Father!

CLICK HERE and come to understand Jesus’ explanation of manifesting the glory of God and what that means for us!