New Video posts every Thursday at 10:00 a.m. CST


Week 1: The God of Order

How can the God who heals you be the God who makes you sick? Join me this week as we look at the truth about Job.

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Most of what people quote about Job denies the names of God, denies the life and teachings of Jesus, and presents God as an author of confusion and chaos. He is NOT the author of confusion and chaos; Satan is! You can never have solid faith if you have contradictory beliefs about God. Let’s examine together this month what Job really said and what God said about what Job said.

Week 3: Does the Lord Give and Take Away

This statement is often quoted by Christians. Join me this week as I share its true context and if the answer is yes or no.

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Job is an historical book; it gives an accurate account of events and conversations that took place. It is very important to understand the difference between an account of history and what God actually says. Jesus was the Word made flesh; therefore, we must view every word of God through His life and teachings. If what we hear or believe cannot align with God’s names or the life, teachings, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, then we need to be teachable and allow God to help us understand in a new way.

Week 5:The Error of Balaam

The Bible talks about the way of Balaam and the error of Balaam. Join me this week to understand the difference.

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Balaam was a prophet. He was hired by an enemy of Israel to pronounce a curse on them, but God had blessed His people Israel. If a curse was pronounced on them by God’s prophet, that would make God a liar and therefore none of His word would be true. Job’s friends believed God had cursed him and they are often quoted as theologically sound, but when God finally speaks He rebukes and corrects Job! Don’t adopt the error of Balaam and believe that God has cursed anyone! He is only and always good!

Week 7:My Part or God’s Part

God wants us to have the best life possible, but we don’t know how to get there – is it my part or God’s part? Join me this week and I will show you how to get there.

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On multiple levels, you are always creating the world around you for good or bad. God has already done His part by sending His Son and through His death, burial, and resurrection, has given us the New Covenant. Because of that covenant, you already have everything pertaining to life and godliness; your part is to do whatever it takes to believe in your heart about what Jesus accomplished, then make decisions and use your authority in every situation.

Week 2: Whose Report Will You Believe

Job is a book people often refer to when they blame God for their difficulty. Join me this week to examine some reasons we cannot logically do that.

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One of the ways God has revealed Himself to mankind is by His names. If He brought sickness and death into our lives to teach us, He would have a name that represented that; if He used torment to make us more spiritual, He would have a name defining that. No, God’s names are Healer, Deliverer, Provider! Everything good comes from Him! Criminals and Mafia control by fear with the threat of danger or injury. Is God no better than a criminal?

Week 4: Was God Testing Job

Religion has wrongly condoned and often instigated the blaming of God for our tests and trials, but the Bible clearly states that God tempts no one! Join me this week for a better understanding of God’s interaction with satan and with Job.

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God cannot be tempted; therefore He was not drawn into a wager with satan about Job’s reaction under duress. God will not curse what He has blessed; therefore, He would not curse or remove the blessing He had poured into Job’s life. God has given us His names, His promises, and His Son as the live demonstration of His own character; and He has given us without revocation the choice to believe Him or not. Will you believe God’s report of Himself?

Week 6:How Did I Get Here

If you’ve found yourself in a ditch and don’t even know how you got there, watch this week’s CyberChurch teaching to gain perspective for getting out and never getting in another one!

To learn more about this new series and our special offer, click here:

Sin always begins with a sense of lack. The deceitfulness of sin is the hardening of your heart. When you start down a road of compromise, you do not know the end of that road. No matter how small the compromise, hardness of heart begins immediately. This week I’ll share insights from Job’s life that can help you see how to steer your own life more effectively.

Week 8:The First Response For Survival

When faced with a negative situation, your first response determines the path you walk and the process you take to get out of that situation.

To learn more about this new series and our special offer, click here:

Is your first reaction to ask, “Why is this happening to me?” No matter what hits you or where it comes from, you must navigate in a way not to lose your footing in the battle through hesitation or inaction. You want to have a readiness of mind and to guard your heart in the gospel of peace which means this is your first reaction. Speak the Word of God into a situation and wait for the peace of God that passes understanding. If Job had known what we know, he never would have gone through all that.

Job is one of the most misquoted books of the Bible. Job admitted to having spoken “words without knowledge,” and those same words are repeated today as sound theology. God Himself asked Job, “Will you condemn me so you can remain righteous?” Each time we quote Job to justify why bad things are happening, we perpetuate the self-righteous lie that God does bad things to test and teach us. Bad things do happen to good people but not for the reasons religion has told us.  

Each message in this powerful, myth-busting series will cause your faith to expand and your wavering to end as you discover The Truth About Job.  You can be the voice of hope and deliverance for your family and friends. You can answer the question, “Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?” You can be the one who explains “How You Can Stop It!” The answer will set the captives free and change their lives forever!

In this six-part series you will:

  • Gain insight into Job’s need to blame God.
  • Understand what really opened the door for Job’s tragedy.
  • Put an end to all wavering.
  • See that God NEVER turned Job over to the devil.
  • Eradicate the influence of carnal logic.
  • Get real answers for facing real tragedy.
  • Discover the devil’s greatest fear.
  • End your confusion once and for all!
  • Get the inside track on the best-kept secret in the world!

6 messages on CD | $42 MP3 | $24