Healing the broken heart is the beginning of an internal journey that leads to emotional health, and ultimately to the Kingdom of God.

Healing the broken heart is the beginning of an internal journey that leads to emotional health, and ultimately to the Kingdom of God.In the first public address of his ministry, Jesus proclaimed that His primary objective was to heal our broken hearts (Luke 4:18). Until our hearts are healed, we cannot function consistently in faith. Our beliefs are corrupted, and our capacity for a life of righteousness, peace, and joy is nonexistent.

Several factors are necessary for experiencing healing in our hearts, but it starts with the gospel of the Kingdom to the poor; those who lack what they need to be whole. We are all, in some form or fashion, struggling with our past: our childhood and cellular memories. In other words, all that has been done to us, that we have witnessed, and that we have done to others comes together to influence our heart, thus affecting our heart’s capacity for some of life’s most essential functions. Faith, love, self-worth, fear, every other core value and belief that directs our life is a matter of the heart. A broken or wounded heart suffers from the fear that what happened in the past will occur again; therefore, trust becomes subservient to our fearful expectations of the future, based on wounds of the past.

As freewill beings, created in God’s own image, every step along the path to a better life than we have known must be a choice based on your trust for God and what He accomplished through the Lord Jesus Christ. Before a choice can be made, you must first be able to “see,” and the light of God’s reality must shine into your darkness making the choices visible.

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