God is never going to stop leading, so just keep following the part of the plan you have and the rest will unfold.Everyone wants to see the entire picture. We think if we knew God’s full plan we would have more confidence to trust and follow Him; but the opposite is closer to the truth. We would be overwhelmed and even resist Him more. The reality is: we are probably hearing as much of the plan as we can accept at this moment in time.

In Hebrew the words “hear” and “obey” have the same root word. This means we will only hear what we are ready to obey. It is doubtful that God is withholding anything from us; we are only hearing the step that our faith will trust at this moment.

As we take the step we know to take our confidence not only grows in God; it grows in in our willingness to trust. We make the journey from faith to faith! God is never going to stop leading, so just keep following the part of the plan you have and the rest will unfold. JOIN ME this week and discover the courage to step into the part of God’s plan that you’re ready to start