Responsibility falls to the person whose response can change the situation regardless of who is right or wrong.In the 70’s and 80’s what I consider to be “pastoral abuse” grew to monumental proportions. Much of my ministry involved helping those who had been hurt by controlling pastors, exaggerated scriptural promises and over-dependence on church leaders. Much of today’s anti-church movement grew out of those wounded souls.

While I fully understand the influence an authority figure has in our lives, it is easy to forget that no victim in any situation is exempt from the Kingdom principle of personal responsibility. Sadly, when we discuss personal responsibility most people think we are placing blame. Responsibility falls to the person whose response can change the situation regardless of who is right or wrong.

One of the primary things that expose us to abuse is corrupt expectations. Too many churches are promising what is impossible for them to give and we are looking to a leader to give what can only be found in Jesus.

Too many of our “Christian” expectations are rooted more in our traditions than in the Bible. How we read the Bible is shaped by our denomination, group or family. This is why Jesus warned that tradition/culture could actually make the Word of God of no effect in our lives. Once we accept culture it becomes our paradigm, the way we interpret the world. It not only shapes our perception but shapes our expectations.

It is incredibly difficult to ever see past our current opinion, paradigms and perspectives, but if we desire to see the glory of God we must cross that hurdle. CLICK HERE to join me this week and I will help you love past your greatest limitation!