The most important thing we can do to deliver ourselves from depression in any situation is get beyond ourselves and do something for others. The most important thing we can do to deliver ourselves from depression in any situation is get beyond ourselves and do something for others. My children grew up with strangers and friends in our home for all holidays. They understood why we invited these people into our home. I like to believe that it molded them into being more accepting and compassionate.

Remember, holidays can be a time when people are isolated from their family and friends through divorce, death, job and military relocation or any number of reasons. Many become highly suicidal at holidays.

It doesn’t matter if you have pot luck, covered dish or a feast; it isn’t the food that makes a difference in people’s lives; it’s the love and acceptance!

There is no one certain group you are obligated to reach; you reach those for whom you have the greatest compassion. When you give according to your purpose you become a cheerful giver and your heart is moved not only to generosity but also to prosperity!

CLICK HERE to join me in this week’s CyberChurch message, Overcoming Holiday Depression.