If you’re struggling please know God is for you, not against you. You will not encounter wrath, shame or condemnation when you reconnect to Him.When we are born again by grace and through faith we are cleansed from sin by the blood of Jesus. But we must remember, like all acts of God in our life, we trusted God’s promise and then experienced His grace (the power, ability and capacity of God that works through our heart and comes by unmerited favor).

Paul tells us, just as you received Christ so walk in Him. In other words, the process doesn’t change after we come to God; everything still happens through the process of grace and faith.  This is always a walk of faith empowered by grace. Jesus’ work is finished; our faith doesn’t change what He has done. But our faith does determine what we will experience.

But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us
from all sin
(1 John 1:7).  When we succumb to sin it affects our heart. When we return to the light (truth) we are in the process of repentance. We are in the light and we see things as they are. When we return to fellowship with Jesus we experience His blood in our heart and our conscience is cleansed. But when we resist and refuse the truth we do not connect with Jesus and we do not experience a cleansing.

The irony is that Jesus has already paid for our sins and God has already forgiven them (sent them away from Himself). The problem is until we send them away from our own heart they plague us and make us afraid to come to God.

If you’re struggling please know God is for you, not against you. You will not encounter wrath, shame or condemnation when you reconnect to Him. You will find mercy and grace. CLICK HERE to join me this week and explore the great dimensions of, The Cleansing Blood.