The commandments tell us what to do, love tells why to do it, but wisdom tells us how to do it.God is the same yesterday, today and forever. His commandments are His wisdom and prescription for walking in love. Eight of the Ten Commandments were about how to treat others. They were never designed to make one righteous. Righteousness has always been a matter of faith. Those who walk in love value the commandments as God’s prescription for a great life and great relationships. Those who live selfishly reject the commandments and the value they bring to life. They are of great value to those who really desire to walk in love. The commandments reveal God’s high regard for man.

However, just trying to live by the commandments never actually produces what people think. The commandments tell us what to do, love tells why to do it, but wisdom tells us how to do it. JOIN ME this week and discover more about moving from the realm of knowing what to do, to knowing how to put truth into practice in a way that always produces the desired outcome.