And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins (1 John 2:2).

God’s love for you is never diminished by your actions. His love for you never changes!Are you afraid of God?  Do you think He’s angry with you & the entire world for sin? The Good News is: the wrath of God was poured out on Jesus so it wouldn’t be poured out on us! Some have twisted this into the concept that God isn’t pouring wrath on believers, but He is angry with them. It’s true! The Old Testament describes God being angry with the wicked every day, & we know God hasn’t changed. So what has changed? Jesus solved the problem!

Jesus became our sin & satisfied the wrath of God for our sin! God did everything He could for us to experience His goodness, drawing us to repentance so we can be teachable. God describes love as the heart of the gospel, & faith works by love. We’ll only trust God to the degree we trust that He loves us; therefore, we’ll only love others to the degree we feel loved by God.

If you think God is angry with you & causing your problems, you’ll never let Him be the one who solves your problems. If you think He takes away from you, you’ll never trust He’s the one who gives to you. You have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ—the Righteous One. An advocate is for you, even when you’re messing up, so you don’t have to be afraid to ask for help. God’s love for you is never diminished by your actions. His love for you never changes!   

If you’d like to discover the same truth Job did, CLICK HERE to watch this week’s CyberChurch message “The God of Order”.