One of the greatest Luciferian lies to enter Planet Earth is that your natural desires are evil.One of the greatest Luciferian lies to enter Planet Earth is that your natural desires are evil. It is that deception that makes people run from instead of to God when they are tempted. All inherent desires are natural and God-given.

Peter said we escape the corruption that’s in the world through lust/desire by the great and precious promises of God. (2 Peter 1:4) Our Creator gave us these desires, but He also gave the only way those desires could be fulfilled that would lead to peace, joy and fulfillment. When we don’t trust Him we move outside of the instruction of His Word to find fulfillment of our desires. This is the path to personal destruction and unhappiness!

When we know that God is good and only good, when we know He wants to fulfill our desires and meet our needs, we trust Him in a way that bring about a yielding or positive obedience that has nothing to do with fear or judgment!

We are only vulnerable to temptation when we don’t trust God’s promises. JOIN ME this week and begin this journey that is easy and light, free from temptation and torment!