faith sees the promise received and  experiences the  victorious end  from the beginning!One of the greatest religious lies we have ever been told is: faith is blind! God never asks you to believe what He does not first tell you. Then He has an entire history of people who have believed Him and received the promise.

But faith isn’t mere information; faith sees the promise received and experiences the victorious end from the beginning! How does that happen? Simple! In the heart!  When we combine information through the form of thoughts and emotions, we experience those thoughts as being real. This is a form of imagination, which the Bible tells you to use pertaining to every good and pleasant thing about God!

When we imagine, ponder, confess, consider, or think on anything until we experience it as real, this is Biblical meditation. Experiencing God’s Word as our outcome is all the evidence we need to believe His Word! Every time we experience our hope in the promise of God as being real it moves from being something that will occur in the future to something that is ours now. This is our evidence that God’s promises are ours now!

Where you place your attention is the source from which you gather evidence. You can fully persuade your heart that God’s promises for your situation are yours right now. That evidence will overcome your doubts!

JOIN ME this week and learn more about stabilizing your faith: end your wavering and begin living in the promises!