Fellowship happens around that which two parties share, but only legally belongs to one of them.Fellowship and communion are the same thing; both are a time of intimately connecting to God. But it doesn’t occur because of the intensity and length of our prayers. It occurs around our heart’s intention. Fellowship happens around that which two parties share, but only legally belongs to one of them.

The party who owns that which is shared so loves the other party that they have chosen to share their possession with them, although it may be very precious and may have come at a high personal cost. Jesus shares His death, resurrection and inheritance with us because of His unspeakable, unfathomable, extravagant love for us!

We enter into fellowship with Him when we acknowledge and take hold of, by our trust, that which He has obtained for us. This is where we so wrap ourselves around Him and His life that we lose our own life. We exchange all that we are for all that He is, all that we have for all that He has! It is in the exchange that we actually experience His grace, power, ability and capacity!

JOIN ME this week and discover more about this incredibly intimate, passionate, powerful heart connection with God where all He is, all He offers and all He has done becomes our reality!