quote-for-blog-100416The word “fellowship” doesn’t mean to simply hang out with God. The truth is, the term has lost all of its meaning. This comes from a Greek word that means “for two people to share in common something that only one of them actually owns.”

All that we have in the Kingdom is the result of being in Jesus and sharing all that He has obtained from God through His covenant. As we acknowledge, remind ourselves and meditate on all we have in Him we experience a reality shift. Our attention and faith shifts from us and our failures and accomplishments to His accomplishments. This is what it means to bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. His obedience is why we share in all the promises of God.

The highest form of worship is when we acknowledge all that Jesus accomplished and express our confidence that it’s ours because we’re in Him. This is true fellowship with Christ!

As one persuades his or her heart concerning these things that belong to Jesus through His faith and obedience, and the fact that they are ours, we stop asking God to do all these things and begin to believe they are ours. It shifts us into a New Covenant reality that works effortlessly and it’s the heart of New Covenant living.

CLICK HERE to join me this week and learn more about what you have in Christ as I share Light, Fellowship, Faith and Life.