Having been made righteous in Jesus your heart becomes conflicted when you think or behave contrary to your new righteous natureBe glad you still feel bad when you sin; that tells you your heart is still soft toward God. For years we were taught that the bad feeling we had when we sinned was actually God convicting us, but the Bible actually teaches that it is our conscience. Having been made righteous in Jesus your heart becomes conflicted when you think or behave contrary to your new righteous nature.

Those who thought that bad feeling was “God getting on to them” took themselves down another destructive path. This meant if they didn’t feel bad about what they were doing then God obviously approved of it. But what it actually meant was their heart had become so calloused they could no longer feel or sense the Spirit of God attempting to lead them or warn them. They walked into destruction without ever seeing what was happening, although God was trying to redirect and protect them!

In any loving relationship there will be a deep feeling of sorrow when we hurt or offend those we love. The more we value the relationship, the deeper the sting of guilt. That doesn’t mean God is making us feel guilty; it is simply the natural response of a loving heart! The more you experience God’s love, the more deeply you will fall in love with Him and the more deeply you love Him, the more your own heart will smite you when you violate the relationship.

JOIN ME this week and take the next step in realizing that you are the object of His affection! But be ready, it will make your heart even more tender!