When the Bible says God loves the world, that is a love that comes out of His character; it is not a love that emerges from a reciprocal relationship.These are the words a man said to me years ago as I witnessed to him about the love of God. There was a time when I would have said this isn’t possible; you just don’t understand the love of God. But today I would say, based on the Word of God, this could be absolutely true.

There is a tendency to see God as an emotionless being who exists in the realm of abstracts with no human tendencies. But that can’t be true. Since we are created in the likeness and image of God He does, by His own definition, have emotions; He has a heart. He wants heart-to-heart relationships. He can feel sorrow and joy, acceptance and rejection. Since our heart can be broken, His heart can be broken!

When the Bible says God loves the world, that is a love that comes out of His character; it is not a love that emerges from a reciprocal relationship. Because of His value for man, He is not causing man’s pain. He seeks the best for us. He is ever working to bring us into a relationship with Him. He cannot share His secrets, His wisdom and the manifestation of His presence with man if they don’t want it!

JOIN ME this week and let’s explore the fact that we can bring enormous pleasure to God. We can have an intimate relationship where He is open and transparent with us, where we come to know Him and His ways instead of standing at a distance and just seeing His actions! This is what you wanted when you came to Jesus; it’s what religion has stolen from you; but I assure you it is real and it is available to you!