If I ignore what God has already revealed in His Word it is unlikely I will open my heart to hear His personal counsel.What I’m about to say sounds brutal. When we face a repeated challenge, we’re either going to take responsibility or blame God. God is not the one letting things happen over and over again. We are! In 1975 I lost a business because I trusted someone that I should not have trusted. It was devastating. I had a new baby girl, plus I was going to college full time. Even worse, this scenario had played out in more than one situation.

As I whined to God (which I was pretending to be prayer) God spoke to my heart and said I had been foolish. Over a few days of prayer and study I realized that foolishness is when we will not learn by instruction. “When did you tell me what to do and I didn’t do it?,” I asked. He said, “In my Word.” In Proverbs I read, “Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a broken tooth and a foot out of joint,” Proverbs 25:9. I realized I had trusted a man that I had never proven to be trustworthy. It cost me my business and months of financial struggling.

God’s Word is full of Wisdom for every situation and we ignore it at our own peril. For years I read and meditated on a chapter of Proverbs every day in a different translation. I put together a management philosophy from the book of Proverbs and haven’t lost money in business since then. But here’s the golden nugget: If I ignore what God has already revealed in His Word it is unlikely I will open my heart to hear His personal counsel.

JOIN ME this week and discover one the biblical keys to walking into God’s promises, protection and provision!