Quote for Blog - 040816The Bible teaches in order for you to prosper and be in good health your soul must prosper and be in good health (3 John 2). In other words, when you’re emotionally healthy, life starts getting healthy on all other planes! My series, Freedom from Emotional Debt, is the journey into God’s plan for making you whole!

When we trust and follow the Lord Jesus we discover that He is the Good Shepherd – not the bad shepherd, not the angry shepherd – the Good Shepherd who always leads us to peace, provision and protection (Psalm 23). Along this journey, as we come to know and trust Him, we enter into the peace that passes all understanding, i.e. a tranquil state of mind that comes from knowing all needs are met. Through this continuing process of healing He restores our soul, our thoughts and emotions. Join me this week in Impact CyberChurch for The Restoration of the Soul and begin the journey of your soul being healed and restored from all the pain of the past!