quote-for-blog-092716Absolutely not! But it does mean you’re more susceptible to darkness. Jesus is the personal interpretation of God’s Word; that’s why He is the Light. He makes it possible to see God as He is. If there’s no knowledge of God’s Word there’s nothing to be illuminated. People who don’t know the Word as interpreted and applied by Jesus are left with subjective feelings to interpret good and evil. The problem is a mind that hasn’t been renewed by the Word has no basis to interpret and evaluate those feelings. Our mind is protected by truth.

Those who don’t love and enjoy the Bible aren’t bad people, per se; usually they’re people who have never been taught the proper purpose and application of God’s Word; therefore, they have no real purpose to read the Bible. If you love peace, joy, physical health and success at life and relationships, then you need God’s Word. Our world was created with universal laws that work whether we believe them or not. Our Creator gave us His instructions for navigating this world with the best possible outcome.

If you want to discover new value and purpose in your relationship with Jesus and in the Word of God I recommend you do four things: 1. Pray and ask God to open your eyes to the value of His Word. 2. Start reading any book of the Bible you tend to enjoy all the while praying, “Lord, show me how to apply this in my life.“ 3. Take my free Living Under Lordship mentoring program. And last of all, watch my broadcast every week. CLICK HERE to start this week as we discuss Coming Out of the Darkness.