The words, thoughts and instruction of wise people will always lead us to life, avoiding pain and pitfalls!I recently saw a Facebook post where a person was expressing their point of view about how others should think and live. Then I watched as people who were just like her, struggling with the same failures, giving the thumbs up, liking and reposting the comment. Interestingly, I know the person who posted their opinion. Little in her life actually works! She struggles in marriage, love, child raising, personal happiness and life in general. Sadly, when we seek advice we tend to seek it from people who are facing our own struggles and living our own failures; those with whom we agree! Why? They don’t challenge us; they don’t correct us; they make us feel good in our failure! The words, thoughts and instruction of wise people will always lead us to life, avoiding pain and pitfalls! JOIN ME this week and I’ll help you find the most reliable source for practical input that works in real life!