God doesn’t leave us when we sin, but sin is always a path that leads us away from God!Religion would say an absolute “yes” but religion is always a twist on the truth. It always presents just enough of the truth to be toxic and destructive. The truth is sin has an effect on our heart and mind. God doesn’t leave us, we leave Him! Sin affects our ability to maintain a heartfelt connection to God. Plus, there is the guilt factor. Guilt is the uncomfortable feeling one experiences when they violate their conscience. It’s like the warning light on a car. When it comes on we should solve the problem before the engine is seriously damaged!

The good thing about guilt is we have a warning light which gives us a change to correct our course and take another path! The bad thing about guilt is, if not dealt with it will harden our heart making us less capable of feeling and sensing God’s presence. Even when we can no longer feel the guilt we can no longer feel God. So, even though God is still present, still pursuing us on an experiential level we are not sensing or benefiting from His presence. God doesn’t leave us when we sin, but sin is always a path that leads us away from God! JOIN ME this week and reconnect to the Father who is patiently waiting for the prodigals to return home to enjoy His presence, protection and provision!