Today millions of people will send and receive wishes for a Happy New Year. The senders and receivers are sincere in their desire to experience a year better than before.  Regrettably, for most it is just a wish that will never materialize. Too many wishful thinkers will unnecessarily see 2014 end with the same negative issues as 2013.

It is an accepted saying: Insanity is continuing to do the same thing expecting a different outcome. You see, so many who sincerely want change will keep doing what they have always done, they’ll keep believing what they have always believed, they’ll keep listening to the same people that have always influenced them, nothing will change and with each passing year their life’s dreams will dissipate, leaving them in despair and hopeless.

Prov. 17:24 says, Wisdom is in the sight of him who has understanding, But the eyes of a fool are on the ends of the earth. Wisdom is practical application. The person who will see the changes they desire, and more, is the person who is willing to seek God’s wisdom for application of truth. Everyone else is just looking to the ends of the earth expecting things to mysteriously get better somewhere down the road, just because the want it bad enough.

All of the outcomes in our life are the results of behavior. All behavior is an expression of beliefs, which means the only way to change our outcome is to change our beliefs. What do you believe about you as a person? What do you believe you are worthy or unworthy to experience? What do you believe about love and happiness for your life? What do you believe about your success and prosperity?  When you honestly answer these questions you will see that your life is a physical manifestation of your beliefs!

    The majority of believers I have known and ministered to over these past 40 years have had no conscious connection between how they answered these questions and what the Word of God says about them in relation to these questions. In other words, they have never considered if their beliefs were based on God’s word or their own opinions. The answer to every question about life should be based on who we are and what we have now that we are in Jesus! Otherwise we have received Christ in vain. We may be on our way to heaven but we’re not experiencing much heaven here on earth.

If you choose to create a Happy New Year maybe you want to ask yourself these questions in relation to any area you want change. What do I need to change in my behavior for this area of my life to be better? What belief do I need to change to influence my behavior? If you are truly seeking God’s wisdom the Holy Spirit will lead you down the path of righteousness (how it should be), based on who you are and what you have in Jesus!

So my New Year’s greeting for you is: Create a happy new year… in Christ! I invite you to join me every week as I share practical truth about who we are and what we have in Jesus.