Quote for Blog - 081016Nothing could be farther from the truth. I actually enjoy and value science. Romans 1:20 teaches us that through the natural laws of science we can understand the invisible attributes of God. All God created is in harmony with who He is, His character, wisdom, logic and love.

My problem is not with science. Good science reveals facts and we should never be afraid of facts. The problem with science is how and why scientists interpret facts the way they do. For generations science has been one of the primary means of subtle, anti-God propaganda.

While there are many wonderful scientists, the problem is a system that has become completely dominated by greed and, at a deeper level, an agenda which is set by those in power. The agenda is to destroy all confidence in the Bible and God so as to demoralize the population and move us toward a world with no knowledge of God. The big lie is through science we can have the quality of life God offers without Him or His moral standards.

As believers we must learn the Bible well enough and trust God enough that no matter how credible the source, it could never persuade us to question or abandon God’s Word.  But this isn’t about simply learning more information, this is about experiencing the life of God through Jesus. Without experience all you have is an argument; but a person with an experience is immovable.

CLICK HERE to join me this week in Impact CyberChurch as I share Angels of Light, Authors of Deception. Gather the facts you need to guard your heart against a world committed to alienating you from God!