Quote for Blog - 062116There’s so much we can know about God through His various names. God revealed His nature and character to man through His name. In Psalm 91 God talks about the special outcome for those who know His name. Other Psalms tell us those who trust His name will be delivered.

The name of God isn’t a magic formula, but knowing His name and trusting what that name reveals about God’s nature and character causes faith to spring forth from the heart. Sadly, much accepted theology today is a contradiction of God’s name. We aren’t ready to address any of our personal issues in prayer until we first connect to God as Father and then sanctify or make holy His name!

Obviously, we can’t make God’s name any more holy than it is, but we can make it holy in our own heart and mind. As we acknowledge and declare God to be who His name reveals we’re reminded of His character. He doesn’t have a name that’s interpreted as killer, thief, destroyer or tester. No! But we have dozens of names that imply just the opposite. As you worship and acknowledge the names of God your doubts about who He is and His willingness to do incredible things in your life will come alive. Join me this week in Impact CyberChurch to learn more!