Quote for Blog - 041516When I was a young pastor I sometimes struggled with people who felt they had been traumatized in their childhood by an offense I considered so minute I couldn’t imagine why it would bother them. I finally came to realize that I had a twinge of self-righteousness when it came to my past. I actually left the pastoral ministry for a few years because I didn’t feel I should try to pastor with those types of issues.

What I eventually learned was it isn’t the severity of the offense that determines how it will affect us, it’s the judgment we pass about the offense. The core temptation was to become a god unto ourselves by judging good and evil. When we attempt to know why people do things, we’re assessing their motive. Once we determine why they did what they did, that determines how their actions affect us. Freedom from Emotional Debt will set you free from the judgments you passed through your life, ending their painful consequences.

Jesus said this about judging: the measure you meet will be measured unto you. In other words, the way we judge an action, a situation or behavior determines how it will affect us. In My Personal Story of Getting Whole, I will share my journey out of a life of pain.