when you don’t know the enemy’s tactics you never recognize the attack, only the aftermath.After 45 years of ministry and counseling I have observed that a great many believers live in recovery mode. They live from crisis to crisis, always waiting for the “other shoe to drop.” This is not the quality of life we are called to live.

The reason for this is simple: when you don’t know the enemy’s tactics you never recognize the attack, only the aftermath. To make it worse, religious teaching usually causes us to focus our attention on all the wrong things. While we’re busy beating ourselves up and second-guessing God we don’t see what’s coming next!

I want to help you get out of recovery mode and get into proactively living life at its best! JOIN ME this week and learn to always recognize your enemy and know what to do to stop the flood of repeated pain and destruction! Jesus died so you could always triumph. It’s time to get busy winning!