Prayer is never where we are attempting to persuade God to give us something.Our misunderstanding of New Covenant prayer is frustrating at best and crippling at worst. New Covenant prayer is based on the fact that God has done His part through the Lord Jesus, in Christ we share in His authority and it is up to us to believe and choose what has been freely given.

Prayer is never where we are attempting to persuade God to give us something. Prayer has several dimensions. We connect to God as our Father; we align our beliefs with the names of God, then we establish God’s will as expressed through Jesus as our Lord. Prayer is where we remind ourselves of God’s true identity, as revealed through Jesus’ life, teaching, death, burial and resurrection; align ourselves with our true identity, as one with Christ, and then use our authority to bind those things that are not God’s will and take hold of the things that are God’s will.

You are only in New Covenant prayer when you are approaching God in faith: He has already done His part through Jesus! If you desire to discover more about every dimension of what is already yours as a result of the finished work of Jesus CLICK HERE.