quote-for-blog-101016A matrix is an arrangement of parts that shows how they are interconnected; a substance in which something is embedded or enclosed, or a situation or set of circumstances that allows or encourages the origin, development, or growth of something (Encarta).

Our life matrix, the thing that determines how all of our decisions are made, what we will allow in our life, the thing that creates our capacity for authority and faith, is a set of specific beliefs of the heart. The heart is the seat of our beliefs about God’s identity and our personal identity. It is, in fact, these two beliefs that determine all of our beliefs.

Over the last 45 years through studying the Word, personal ministry and personal application I have identified what I believe to be the specific beliefs that create our life matrix. I call these beliefs our personal hierarchy. The personal hierarchy is a series of four beliefs that seem to be the absolute basis for everything that happens in our life. No matter what individual beliefs one changes, until these beliefs change we will repeat the same patterns and live within the same limitations. In other words, our past equals our future!

These four root beliefs feed all of our other beliefs, i.e. fruit. These four beliefs are identity, self-image, self-worth and self-confidence. You can waste time and energy seeking to develop strong individual belief, but that is fruit, not root! Or, you can develop your heart by creating a biblically-based sense of identity, self-image, self-worth and self-confidence by focusing on who you are, what you have and what you can do in Christ and all the other pieces of your life will fall into place. CLICK HERE to join me this week and start the personal journey to your true identity as we discover the power of our Life Matrix!