Faith which trusts who God is and what God has said takes hold of a reality that exists in another realm and brings it unto itself!Unfortunately, we have attempted to make God and all of creation fit into our limited intellectual grasp of reality. This is what the Bible would call a carnal mind that has no capacity to experience the life of God. In fact, it is enmity against God! People who love God in one aspect of their being are actually opposed and even hostile to God in areas of life we do not understand. If we want to live in the quality of life purchased by the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus there has to be a revolution in our thought life that consummates in a transformation of the beliefs of the heart.

When Jesus died on the cross all God would ever do for man was completed. That’s why it is called a “finished work.” Even though it is completed and freely made available, not everyone is experiencing it. Old Covenant concepts of faith taught us that, if we would believe, God would do those things for us that were actually already done by the Lord Jesus. So, believing God will do something is tantamount to believing He has not yet done them, which is an unintentional denial of the work of the cross.

Believing in the finished work of Jesus, believing that all God has for us is already freely offered is New Covenant faith. The word “receive” means “to take hold of and bring to oneself.” Faith which trusts who God is and what God has said takes hold of a reality that exists in another realm and brings it unto itself!

If you want to learn more about entering into and participating in God’s realty CLICK HERE for a free message that will help you on this journey!