HOPEWhen trying to overcome past failures we are usually given trite, religious answers that have no applicable value in real life.  Every failure has the potential to affect both our self-confidence and our self-worth. Every time we fail we have less confidence to make new decisions and try again. After enough failures we tend to pass judgments about ourselves which cause us to see ourselves as less than God sees us!

Most advice about trying again is usually nothing more than, “Try harder!” If a football team lost to a stronger, more physically fit team that outweighed them trying harder would only be a small part of the equation to win the next time they play. No! They would exercise, get in better shape, improve their game plan, and then they would try harder. In other words, they would strengthen the individuals so they have the ability to try harder.

You must build yourself up; but the question is, “How do I do that?” More than in any other area, you have to establish your heart in the New Covenant: you are in Christ, God has made peace with you, all the promises are yours and you are free from all the curses of the law. If this is true (and it is), the pain and failures of life occur not because of some hyper-spiritual reason, but because we do not believe the truth of the covenant in our heart. To understand more about how to build yourself up go to The Supernatural Power of Making Decisions.

making decisions CDThe second essential area is discovering and establishing your heart in your self-worth. Discovering self-worth based on the love (value) God has for you goes hand-in-hand with your new identity. God made the New Covenant with Jesus. When you were born again you were baptized into Jesus, therefore, God relates to you through Jesus. You are now who and what God says you are as a result of being in Christ! Read, ponder and meditate on the identity Scriptures until you only see yourself as God sees you. Check out this CyberChurch message: What I Look Like in My Dreams!